NITS Service (Pvt.) Ltd.

Friday 1 March 2013

গাড়ির নিরাপত্তা

প্রযুক্তি নিয়ে এলো আপনার গাড়ির নিরাপত্তা

আপনি কি ভাবছেন কিভাবে?

আসুন একটু দেখি  

  • গাড়ির অবস্থান যেমনঃ গাড়ি সাধারণত্ব তিনটি অবস্থানে বিদ্যমান থাকে ১, বন্ধ ২, চালু ৩, সুইচ অন
  • গাড়ির যখন রাস্তার উপর চলমান থাকে ঐ সময় তার গতিবেগ কত? যেমনঃ গতিবেগ ৬০, ৭০, ৮০ এই ধরনের তথ্য জানা যাবে।
  • গাড়ির যখন রাস্তায় চলবে সেই সময় কোন জায়গায় আছে যেমনঃ ঢাকা, সিলেট, চট্রগ্রাম, রংপুর, দিনাজপুর, বরিশাল যেকোন জায়গাতে, আপনি জায়গার নাম দেখতে পারবেন এবং ঢাকা থাকলে ঢাকার কোন জায়গাতে আছে এভাবে প্রতিটি বিভাগ দেখাবে।

গাড়ির গতিবেগ নিয়ন্তন করা যায়ঃ 

দুই রকমেরঃ ১, গাড়ির গতি কমানো যাই আবার বাড়ানো যাই, ২, যে কোন এলাকা তে বা বিভাগের মধ্যে গাড়ি সংরক্ষণ করে রাখা যায়। 

রিমোটলি গাড়ির ইঞ্জিন বন্ধ করা যায়ঃ 

যেমনঃ আপনার গাড়ির চুরি হয়ে গেল, আপনি আমাদের জানালেন আপনার গাড়ির চুরি হয়েছে, প্রথমে আমরা দেখব গাড়ির অবস্থান, গাড়ির অবস্থান দেখে রিমোট দিয়ে গাড়ির ইঞ্জিন বন্ধ করে দেই, যদি আপনার গাড়িটি অটোমেটি হওয় সেক্ষেথে গাড়ি থেকে চুর বের হতে পারবে না।

তেল খরচ জানা যায়ঃ

 যেমন: আপনার গাড়ি সিলেট থেকে ঢাকা এবং ঢাকা থেকে সিলেট আসল তখন আপনি জানতে পারবেন আপনার গাড়ি যেতে এবং আসতে কত লিটার তেল খরচ হল।

বিভিন্ন ধরনের রিপোটস জানা যায়। যা পারফরমেন্স মূল্যায়নে সহায়ক, যেমনঃ দূরত্ব নিরুপন, ট্রিপ রিপোর্ট, ওভারস্পীড রিপোর্ট ইত্যাদি।

দূরত্ব নিরুপনঃ যেমনঃ গাড়িটি সিলেট থেকে ঢাকা যাবে, ৬ ঘন্টা লাগল সিলেট থেকে ঢাকা যেতে, আপনি দেখতে পারবেন গাড়িটি ঢাকা যেতে কোন জায়গাতে কত সময় কত গতিতে চলছিল আর কোন কোন জায়গাতে কত সময় থেমে ছিল।

ট্রিপ রিপোর্টঃ

আপনার গাড়িতে সারা দিন কত কিলোমিটার গেল তা দেখে বুজতে পারবেন আপনার গাড়িটি কতটা ট্রিপ দিল।

দেশ ব্যাপী আমাদের সার্ভিস সেন্টার সমূহঃ 

ঢাকা, চট্রগ্রাম, সিলেট, যশোর, বগুড়া, রংপুর, ফেনী, নারায়নগঞ্জ, মৌলভীবাজার।

আমাদের পার্টনারঃ মনিটরং সেল ঢাকা মেট্রো পলিটন পুলিশ এবং স্ট্রাটেজিক মার্কেটিং বাংলালিংক 

এন আই টি এস সার্ভিস (প্রাঃ) লিঃ

নিটল সেন্টার ( ১২ তম তলা), ৭১ মহাখালী, ঢাকা।
মোবাইলঃ ০১৯১৪-৩২৮১৫৬

Sunday 24 February 2013

গাড়ি মনিটরিং ও নিরাপত্তার আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি

গাড়ি মনিটরিং ও নিরাপত্তার আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি 

এন আই টি এস সাভিস ( প্রাঃ) লিঃ 

নিটল সেন্টার ( ১২ তম তলা), ৭১ মহাখালী, ঢাকা । 
ফোন  ঃ          01914-328156
মোবাইল  ঃ ০১৯১৪-৩২৮১৫৬ 
ইমেল  ঃ

সুবিধা সমুহঃ 

  •  গাড়ির বতমান অবস্থান, গতিবেগ ও স্থানের নাম জানা যায়।
  • গাড়ির গতিবেগ নিয়ান্ত্রন করা যায়। যা দূঘটনা প্রতিরোধে সহায়ক।
  • রিমোটলি গাড়ির ইঞ্জিন বন্ধ করা যায়। যা চুরি প্রতিরোধে সহায়ক।
  • তেল এর খরচ ও অন্যান্য তথ্য জানা যায়। যা মুনাফা বৃদ্ধিতে সহায়ক।
  • বিভিন্ন ধরনের রিপোটস জানা যায়। যা পারফরমান্স মূল্যায়নে সহায়ক।                                 
         (যেমনঃ দূরুত্ব নিরুপন, ট্রিপ রিপোট , অভার স্পীড রিপোট ইত্যাদি)

কেন আমাদের সার্ভিস নিবেনঃ

  • প্রফেশনাল ও অভিজ্ঞ ব্যবস্থাপনা টিম ।
  • আর্থিকভাবে স্বচ্ছল প্রতিস্টান ।
  • দেশব্যাপী বিপনন কেন্দ্র।
  • দেশব্যাপী ইন্সটলেশন ও সার্ভিস সেন্টার।
  • ২৪ ঘন্টা কল সেন্টার সাপোট ।
  • ওয়েব ও এস এম এস এর মাধ্যমে লাইভ আপডেট।
  • ডিএমপি কতৃক মনিটরিং এবং অন্যান্য সাপোট ।
  • স্ট্রটেজিক মাকাটিং পাটনার বাংলালিংক। 

নিটল নিলয় গ্রুপ

Wednesday 13 February 2013



  1. See exact location of vehicle on Google Maps using your PC/PDA
  2. Control of vehicle ( like engine blocking) from your mobile phone by sending sms.
  3. Works anywhere there is cellular coverage 
  4. Geofence - Alert when vehicle leaves predefined area
  5. Press panic button in case of emergency of automatic distress message
  6. Works even when battery is disconnected with backup battery
  7. Automatically get nearest vehicle to respond to a service - useful for taxis, courier co.s 
  8. Many useful reports like distance traveled, trips made, overspeeding etc.
  9. Upto 99% of stolen vehicles can be recovered

Saturday 9 February 2013



Vehicle Tracking Service Provider licensed by BTRC

Manage Your Fleet

What GPS Tracking Can Do for Your Fleet::
Our GPS Fleet Tracking System Can Increase the Accountability of Your Fleet.

Increases Safety and Driver Responsibility: Our systems keep a complete record of vehicle activities  whether live or historic you'll know exactly how safe a driver they really are.

Decreases Excess Speeds: By tracking the speed of your vehicles you can reduce the chance of an accident and save money on fuel. Our systems keep a complete record of your vehicles speed at any particular moment.

Validates Service Calls: By simply looking at the history of a vehicle you can quickly tell when it arrived and how long it eliminates assumptions and guesswork.

More Accurate Billing: Using GPS fleet tracking creates a digital log of time speed and route used by your fleet. Time and fuel costs used specifically on the job can be accurately calculated with this digital log.

Prevent Fraudulent Claims: With a good digital log you can demonstrate that your fleet was where it needed to be when it needed to be there.

Our GPS Fleet Tracking Systems Can Increase the Profitability of your Company.

Reduce Fuel and Maintenance Costs: A Company / Individual can reduce at least 20% Fuel and Maintenance cost easily establish and alert system for events like a driver going outside of a designated area or staying idle for to long.

Reduce Delay and Time Spent at Unauthorized Locations: With our software you can not only track but easily establish and loather system for events like a driver going outside of a designated area or staying idle for too long.

Reduce Operating Costs: By monitoring activities like speeding or excessive idling you can not only save fuel but reduce damage done to the engine brakes and tires.

Reduce Overtime: On average a company can reduce at least 1 hour of overtime per week a GPS fleet tracking system.

Increase Efficiency: On average each vehicle could complete at least one extra stop, job or delivery per week by using one of our web based system.

How our GPS Fleet Tracking System Increase the Productivity of Your Company: 

  • Monitors Routes and Stops 
  • Detects Side Jobs
  • Improves Response Time & Customer Service
  • Eliminates Paper logs 
  • Monitors Driver Activities 


A GPS based solution can make your Equipment of Vehicle virtually theft proof!

  • A GPS anti theft tracking unit can give the location of you vehicle instantly allowing you to recover it.
  • GPS Systems for theft tracking and theft recovery can lower your insurance costs.
  • If you chose a proper GPS anti theft tracking system it will still give you a location even if the thief cuts the battery cable.
  • Depending on the type GPS Anti-Theft System purchased you can track your vehicle on a regular basis improving efficiency and monitoring driving habit or you can purchase an on demand system that only tells you the location when you need it. 

  • Instantly find the vehicle that's closest to an address
  • Route the vehicle by shortest route or quickest route using maps and text directions 
  • Receive alerts you when a vehicle arrives at a pre-defined location
  • Live Tracking with street level mapping displaying: address, speed & direction
  • Reduce communication between dispatcher and driver 
  • Improve response time
  • improve customer service 
  • Reduce Driving Time & Delays
  • Meets Deadlines
  • Reduce Mileage
  • Monitor duration of stops by vehicle 
  • Monitor Arrival and Departure Times 
  • Remotely monitor subjects, vehicles, and assets of interest from your office or surveillance vehicle. 
  • Receive up to the minute alerts via e-mail, cell phone or through web-based monitoring.
  • Investigate sensitive documents and packages, as well as situations where the exact location of a subject is critical. 
  • Instantly be notified when the subject is within a certain proximity to a predetermined location.
  • From the comfort of your own home or office, you can actually conduct your own.
  • Surveillance and pinpoint the exact location of the person or item of interest.


Personal Tracking: 
Protect Your Family: A personal tracking system can allow you to monitor vehicle and locate your family in an emergency. It can also notify you if the vehicle has been involved in an accident. Personal tracking can help you keep your teen driver accountable and it can give your family peace of mind. 

Protect your Elderly Loved Ones: A gps tracking system can allow you to keep an eye on your aging parents. it can help you locate them if they get lost or in the case of an emergency. A GPS locator can give you an extra layer of protection and safety for you loved ones. 

Track Your Teen Driver: Accountability significantly reduces the odds of your teen being involved in an accident. Using our system to track your teen can encourage that accountability. 

The cost of a GPS monitoring device is minimal. The cost of a life is priceless: 

The ideal teen tracking unit for protecting your son or daughter is our Personal Tracker. It is an device that allows you to monitor your child in real time. It can alert you when something is wrong and provide a complete history. This auto tracking device lets you locate yu teen at anytime letting you know where they are. 






Other Attractive reports:

  1. Current Fleet Reports
  2. Halt Report
  3. Consolidated Reports
  4. Speed Analysis Report
  5. Over speed Reports
  6. Alerts Reports 



About NITS:  NITS Service ( Pvt.) Ltd, is a fastest growing provider of GPS vehicle tracking systems, aims at offering innovative and cost effective vehicle tracking solutions comprising of hardware as well as software. It is a sister concern of Nitol Niloy Group. GPS tracking technology is best suited for fleet management. It is an unique way for companies and individuals to Moroni and control their cars, jeeps, trucks and other vehicles to their precise details by sitting in the  office/home.

About Nitol Motors: 

A dynamic young man Abdul Matlub Ahmed founded Nitol Motors Ltd. in 1983. Very soon the new company became a major player in the commercial vehicle market and  has been growing ever since. With the motto of quality, honesty and efficiency the company inits beginning started with trading of vehicles  Its high sales figure attracts international companies and in 1989 Nitol Moters Ltd. because the sole distributor of  TATA vehicles in Bangladesh. 

a sister concern of

Countrywide Own Service Center:

To providing quality and prompt service, Nitol Motors is installed more than 12 own service center and have authorizes service center in the country and it is increasing rapidly. By these service center, we ( NITS) will install our vehicle tracing Device for customers which helps to minimize cost and time.  

Our own service centers are in:

  • Tongi, Gazipur
  • Madanpur, Naryangonj
  •  Chandgoan, Chittagong 
  • SamitiBazar, Fen
  • Gotatikor, Sylhet
  • Motidali, Bogura 
  • Plice line, Moulvilbazar
  • Rupdia, jessor
  • RK Road, Rangpur
Mobile Service Center:

To providing prompt and instant service to our valuable customer, we have own mobile service system which  helps to give helps to give quick solution to the end site on time.

Countrywide sales Center:

Nitol Motors have 60 spare parts dealers in the country to ensure spare parts availability to the clients on their demand. These dealeers are also sell our Vehicle tracking Device from ready stock.

NITS Service (Pvt.) Ltd.

Nitol Center ( 12th Fl), 71 Mohakhali, Dhaka- 1212
Phone: 01914-328156

Monday 4 February 2013



Vehicle Tracking System is a value added service or Service provided through a GPS Transponder device installed in a vehicle which enables a vehicle owner or a third party to track the vehicle’s movement and other activities while both in stationary and running modes. The system is a convergence of an on board automotive device, wireless communication and global positioning system (GPS), to track vehicles via digital mapping application and reporting information system by using a web-interface,mobile phone and/or computer network. 


NITS Service (Pvt.) Ltd, is a fastest growing provider of GPS vehicle tracking systems, aims at offering innovative and cost effective vehicle tracking solutions comprising of hardware as well as software. It is a sister concern of Nitol Niloy Group and obtained licensed from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC). GPS tracking technology is best suited for fleet management. It is an unique way for companies and individuals to monitor and control their cars, jeeps, trucks and other vehicles to their precise details by sitting in the office. NTrack® GPS tracking system will enable you to monitor the movements of your employees, drivers, vehicles or any other asset accurately. With NTrack vehicle tracking systems in your company's fleet vehicles; you will find a smart way of fleet management by tracking your vehicles. Whether you own one truck or a fleet of thousands of vehicles, our highly skilled GPS fleet consultants will assist you in selecting the right type of vehicle tracking system that will give an edge to your company.

Product brand name                   : NTrack
Company Registered Name        : NITS Service (Pvt.) Ltd.
Mother Company                       : Nitol-Niloy Group
Registration number                   : BTRC/LL/Vehicle Tracking(03) NITS/2009-3,                                                                          Dated: 21/06/2009
Product Origin                            : Taiwan
Software Development                : In house own team
Service Network                         : Nationwide 12 nos own service network
Company Address & Contacts    : Nitol Center (12th Fl), 71 Mohakhali C/A
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh., 

Other business identity of Nitol Niloy Group

-          Vehicle sector           : Nitol  Motors Limited
-          Insurance sector      : Nitol Insurance Company Ltd.
-          Finance sector           : FAS Finance and Investment Limited
-          Cement sector          : Nitol Cement Industries Ltd.
-          Trading sector           : NITA Company Limited
-          Plastic sector              : VIP-Nitol Industries Ltd.
-          ISP sector                    : Nreach-Net (Pvt.) Ltd.
-          Hotel & Resort          : Nitol Bay Resorts
-          Training sector          : Driving Training School (DTS)
-          Paper Mills                  : Nitol Curtis Paper Mills Ltd. (NCPML)


Increased Productivity:

-          Improved vehicle utilization with effective routing and scheduling
-          Maximize the use of your assets
-          Fleet visibility – identifying nearest vehicle for an unplanned task or job
-          Track all vehicle usage by drivers
-          Reduced vehicle and employee downtime
-          Optimization of mobile assets and workforce

Reduced Costs:

-          Eliminate manual paper work
-          Better managed payroll with accurate timesheets and overtime claims
-          Reduced communication costs
-          Detects excessive speed
-          Lower insurance premiums through superior vehicle protection and security
-          Identification of under-performing vehicles using historical fleet data

Informed Business Decisions

-          Complete visibility and control of mobile assets and workforce
-          Real time view of your of your drivers route
-          Real time monitoring ability
-          Exception reporting to enable trend analysis and decision making process

Safety and Security

-          Geographic Virtual Fence (Geo-fencing), Automatic alert when vehicle leaves Geo-Fence
-          Press panic button in case of emergency for automatic distress message
-          Able to block the vehicle’s engine by SMS at any time anywhere. 


-          Complete visibility and control of mobile assets and workforce

-          Real time view of your of your drivers route

-          Real time monitoring ability

-          Exception reporting to enable trend analysis and decision making process


--          Transportation - Real time fleet management

-          Emergency Vehicles - Police, Fire, Paramedics.
-          Railways - Real time tracking of trains
-          Family - Tracking of teenagers, elderly persons and pets
-          Special equipment - Tracking of expensive construction and farm equipment
-          Public Transportation - Tracking of buses, vans, taxis, trucks etc.
-          Military and Logistics
-          Forestry, Oil and Gas Exploration
-          Corporate Office – Distribution Companies, Pharmaceuticals, etc 

Home |About VTS | About us | Benefits | Application | Getting info | Why Choose | How it works | Reports | Costing | Terms


An authorized user gets the information from the following method:

Web method:

By using Internet a user can get the real time information and different type of reports from anywhere anytime.

SMS Method:

A user gets the current location information of the vehicle by using SMS.

Call Center:

To provide round the clock service to our clients, we have strong and professional call center. Client will get different type of service / information instantly by making a single phone call. 


-          Professional and Experienced Management Team
-          Financially Stable Company
-          Countrywide Own Installation and Service Center
-          Own Call Center and 24 Hours Free Support
-          Web and SMS based Services
-          Strategic Affiliation with DMP

Countrywide Service Centers:

-          100 Tongi I/A, Gazipur
-          Kunabari, Gazipur
-          Jangal (Opposite Castle), Modanpur, Bandar, Narayangonj.
-          Arakhan Road, Chandgoan, Chittagong
-          Shakhargati, Rupdia, Jessore-Khulna Road, Jessore
-          Matidali Tinmatha Moor, Bagura
-          Police Line, Moulvibazar
-          Samati Bazar, Feni
-          Khadamtali, Sylhet
-          RK Road, Rangpur
-          Nikunjho-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka.
-          71 Mohakhali, Dhaka (HO)


The whole system runs by a complex protocol. Here more then one technology works together for serving the mankind. Here GPS, GPRS and GIS these three separate technology work independently and Vehicle Tracking System coordinate these three for its interest and give a pictorial display to the client by its device and software. Let’s take a short tour of this technology.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Utilizing a constellation of at least 24 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, the system enables a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction, and time. Developed by the United States Department of Defense. The satellite constellation is managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). It provides data rates from 56 up to 114 kbit/s. GPRS can be used for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access. GPRS is a best-effort packet switched service, as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain Quality of Service (QoS) is guaranteed during the connection for non-mobile users.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is any system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced to Earth. This data are used for digital map representation of any part of the earth. Geographic information science is the science underlying the geographic concepts, applications and systems, taught in degree and GIS Certificate programs at many universities.


There are most advance and useful reports for corporate houses as well as individual concern which are being developing and modifying continuously as customer and market demand.

-          Vehicle Status Report
-          Distance Travelled Report
-          Trip Report
-          Halt Report
-          Speed Analysis Report
-          Over speed Report
-          Consolidated Report
-          Alerts Report
-          Fuel Consumption Report

Some more special reports

-          Summary Report
-          Expense Report
-          Geofence Report
-          Vehicle Information Report
-          Start and End Location Report

Costing and Charges

This Financial proposal is based on our understanding to meet yours requirement.

Unit Price
Total Price (Tk.)
Transmitting and Receiving Apparatus
(including VAT and GIS, GPS & Map Configuration)
Yearly Service Charge
(including VAT and GPRS Bill, Maintenance* )

Product Origin: Taiwan  

Special notes: ……….

Installation and Other Charge:

* Installation & Maintenance Charge:
   at NITS Installation Point (Nationwide)
Installation Charge (at Client Premises):
Within Dhaka Metro
Installation Charge (at Client Premises):
Outside Dhaka Metro
Converter Charge (if require):
If the vehicle run with 24 Volts Battery
Dismantle and reinstallation Charge (if require):
at NITS Installation Point (Nationwide)

Terms and Conditions:

01.   VAT, TAX and other Govt. fee: Included

02.   Ownership: The device is provided by NITS will remain your property

03.   Product Warranty: We will provide 3 years’ service warranty and 1 year’s replacement warranty except burn or accident cases.  If any accessories required after 1 year client will bear the cost but no service charge is require in maintenance time at our service center.

04.    Payment: Product and Yearly service charge will pay along with Work Order.

05.    Lead-time for installation: 7 days after finalizing the payment (excluding bulk).      

06.    Validity: Validity of this offer will be 15 (fifteen) days from the date of submission.